What's up! I'm Ryan Burke and this website is just a little glimpse
into the stuff I do and like.
Professionally, I'm a software engineer based in Washington DC.
For work I typically use .NET, outside of work sometimes I write C or Python or whatever
I'm feeling. Lately I've been fiddling with Go, pretty cool stuff.
Unprofessionally, I play basketball 🏀
(no, you cannot guard me) and love photography 📷
(I'm more of just a dude-who-owns-a-camera lol). Lately I've been
shooting strictly with 35mm color-film which I've enjoyed (expensive as hell tho).
Anyways, this about me section is starting to lose it's shape, how you been? Why
are you here lol? I can't believe you made it this far, thanks tho! For whatever
reason I like the idea of people just deciding to read this site.
Go check out my pics
some of them are cool, my mom agrees with me too, so.. yeah.
June 2021